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French Blooms: The Cover

Behind The Scenes

I’m so thankful for the enthusiasm and support surrounding the announcement of my first book French Blooms! Many people have commented on the cover and so I thought I’d share a bit behind the scenes of the process choosing the image. I’ve also included photos of some of the arrangements that almost made “the cut,” each special in its own way.  

The Face of French Blooms

The cover of the book is incredibly meaningful to me. It’s the face of French Blooms and represents decades of floral arranging knowledge. The image is the first look into my little French universe.

Choosing the Cover

When I started this project, no one told me how difficult it would be to create THE photo to carry that honor. The process began with the help of my talented art director Jan Derevjanik who spent many hours with me trying out different options. I’ll never forget shortly before the manuscript’s deadline, feeling panicked that I still hadn’t found the winning shot. Although my editor, Sandra Gilbert, and my publisher, Charles Miers at Rizzoli, had both settled on a cover photo they felt would work, I still felt we could find a better one that resonated with me. They were kind (and patient) enough to give me one more chance!

Another French Photo Shoot

With the clock ticking, I hopped on a plane and headed to France with my beloved antique jardinière in my suitcase. On the flight, I planned the photo shoot with my French photographer friend, Anne Soulier. Florence, the lovely shop owner of the Rungis antique warehouse, La Bruyère, kindly let us use her atelier to shoot the arrangement.

It’s all a blur thinking back to choosing the flowers and placing them in my jardinière. It was as if my hands knew what to do and the rest followed. Anne beautifully captured this piece, which ultimately became the cover photo. The image represents everything dear to me: flowers, antiques, and France.

I’m so thrilled with the immediate response of preorders and signups for the giveaway since announcing the book release date and revealing the cover. Perhaps the cover played a part… Sometimes, it’s simply a matter of trusting your instinct.


P.S. - Follow along on social media @lesfleursandover for more behind-the-scenes snippets while creating the book.