With Gratitude

As the bustle of the holiday season begins at Les Fleurs, I’m mindful of what’s truly important... 

The last few weeks have been some of the busiest around the shop. It began in October with a trip to my favorite antique fair in France, buying product for the shop. Immediately upon my return, we launched four new workshops for the season and then turned our attention to getting the shop ready for the holidays.

We had an amazing crew, including a few new Fleurettes, helping to string the garland, trim the trees and put together our holiday display. In three short days we totally transformed the shop. We reopened and had the biggest holiday open house to date, with Christmas tunes playing in the background and an extra check out register!!

holiday foliage magnolia leaves sandra sigman north andover

Being busy at the shop is wonderful, but as the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, I’m reminded to take a moment from these task-filled days to reflect on the gifts that don’t come wrapped. I am grateful for my family, including my Fleurette family and to the new and old friends I’ve made in my shop over the years. Please continue to stroll in to chat about flowers, gardens and all things French!

I count my blessings everyday for this little French flower shop, the opportunities it has brought, and the relationships I have made along the way. It truly is the favorite part of what I do. Thank you.



thanksgiving flowers north of boston andover sandra sigman