Our Favorite House Plants


Going Green

While the view outside our shop may be covered in white snow, we are adding GREEN to our INDOOR space with new lush plants, to remind us that spring is just around the corner.

In addition to brightening up a room, indoor plants offer many health benefits:

·Purify the air by removing toxins
·Increase air humidity, helps skin and breathing
·Improve focus and memory
·Accelerate healing
·Lower stress

- from American Forests, March 2017


choosing plants

With so many photos in social media of beautifully styled spaces filled with flourishing plants, more people are wanting to add a bit of nature inside their homes.

Knowing which house plant is right can be tricky, so we have put together a list of our favorite unique house plants with a few expert tips on how to care for them. We are always happy to share our knowledge and appreciation of some of the finest fresh greens and florals in the Boston area to help navigate the sometimes “overwhelming” world of house plants.

If you are wondering which plants:

- can be left alone for a week or two?
- require daily care?
- need little sunlight?

Then read on…

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ZZ Plant

It was once said to me that a ZZ can grow in a closet. They thrive in very low light and like to be completely dry between watering. The ZZ will benefit from spraying and wiping the leaves regularly. Do not overwater this plant, as too much love will cause its demise.

English Ivy/ Oak Ivy

A classic and versatile houseplant, english ivy is quick to grow and easy to maintain. Put your ivy in a bright spot and allow it to ALMOST completely dry between watering. Letting the plant “tell you” it needs water will help it thrive.

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Snake Plant

Like the ZZ, the snake plant is famous for living in little to no natural light. This plant can become totally dry between watering and will benefit from spraying and wiping the leaves often.

 Myrtle Topiaries

Myrtle topiaries will thrive in bright, direct sunlight with frequent watering, almost every other day. Rotate your myrtle weekly to ensure it is growing evenly. Be careful not to let water sit on the leaves of a myrtle while it is inside as it may cause white powdery mildew to grow.


Succulent Gardens

Succulents are available in thousands of varieties with many different colors, textures and shapes. They are low-maintenance as they do not need frequent watering, but do require direct sunlight to grow properly. High-wattage fluorescent light bulbs, in addition to sunlight, can help these plants to grown indoors.  Allow the soil to dry completely between watering.

Mother Fern

Ferns are just one of those plants that want to be talked to. We can never water our ferns enough, especially in the winter months when our homes have high heat and low humidity. By misting daily and thoroughly watering every other day, we can help mimic the natural environment of a fern and help it flourish. Keep in an area with indirect light.

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Creeping Fig

This plant loves a bright spot, if you’re there to water it!! Keep this plant moist but not soggy and rotate weekly to insure it gets the best light for growing. You can encourage a creeping fig to grow up and along a trellis or make your own topiary shape.

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It is said that being mindful, and appreciating beauty in the simplest of places, can help us to be happy and calm.

As designers, we appreciate the many colors, textures and patterns of nature’s gifts. We hope that the allure and benefits of indoor plants bring you joy in many ways!

The Fleurettes
