Why I Blog?



Hello and welcome to my blog! I have been writing this blog for about a year now and as I look back, I am reminded why I blog in the first place.

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For over 25 years, I have been bringing inspiration in the form of flowers, home decor and all things French to so many of you. Through it all, what tugged at me was my desire to give back, to share, to collaborate. I never knew the best way to engage with my clients and launching a blog was terrifying and daunting because I really wondered if it would be well received. Would I do it well? Would people even read it? I know how busy we all are with family & friends, work & volunteering. But I also know the importance of sharing stories and building a community of like-minded women with similar interests. As it turns out, I also gain inspiration with feedback from you.



To begin my blog, I put pen to paper and made it my mission to help, motivate and give back to those interested in knowing what we do around the shop. You may see me write about styling flowers and the next week, changing gears to talk about trips to France. Whatever it may be, this is my way to stay connected and to keep bringing you inspiration, as well as have a designated space to share everything in my world with you. Launching this comes dear to my heart because I always love to share my knowledge in hopes that you will share yours too!

Pass your goodness around, help those you think may need an extra word of encouragement. It’s up to all of us to share our unique gifts with the world. Wouldn’t that be wonderful? :)


what’s next

To give you a sampling of what’s coming on the horizon… expect to see a few of my fave recipe ideas, new workshops and our very special women’s retreat to Provence next April.

I’d love to know if you have any questions for me or more topics you’d like to learn more about. I would be honored to hear your stories and answer your questions.

Please feel free to share in the comments at the end of a blog post, or email me directly at sandra@lesfleurs.com.

Until then, thank you for following along, I’m so thankful you are here. Merci!



feed your flowers

Speaking of sharing...here is a little recipe for our homemade version of “flower food” to keep your floral bouquets looking great and longer lasting...enjoy:)


Flower Food Recipe

1 quart of water

1 Tablespoon of white vinegar

1 teaspoon of superfine sugar

3-5 drops of bleach