A Mother's Day Story

My grandmother and me in front of my first garden.

A long time ago a mother and a daughter had a dream: to open a French flower shop, where they would design beautiful French floral bouquets together. They spoke of this idea often during the year when the daughter lived in France.

french parisian florist sandra sigman purple hydrangeas flowers in baskets
flower shop in paris trailing ivy foxglove red climbing clematis sandra sigman

They thought of a shop, inspired by the beautiful fleuristes of Paris like the ones they had visited, filled with all things French-inspired … and knew that people would love it as much as they did.

french flower shop paris florist stephane chapelle sandra sigman travel france
french flower shop floral display paris florist flamant sandra sigman travel france

This was long before the days of beautiful flower shops popping up on every street corner. They had no plan, no business experience… just a wish to start something beautiful together.

french florist parisian flower shop lesfleurs andover sandra sigman antique farm table floral bouquets hydrangeas
french flower shop paris florist white hydrangeas sage herb plants sandra sigman travel france

This Mother’s Day I share this story because this dream was mine. I always wanted to create something meaningful with my mom that we both could share.To have that special bond is something I will hold dearly.

I tell this story, surprisingly often, because I use it as a reminder to follow your dream, ignite the spark of what you may have inside your heart. Never say it’s too late... start today. I took that chance and created Les Fleurs with my mom. Unfortunately, a month later, my mom passed away from breast cancer.

My mother at the flower market. 1975.

Sometimes life isn’t fair, but we can still find the inner strength to continue, even when it’s hard. I believe that flowers saved me. Maybe there is something that will help you through hard times too.

flower market bouquets sandra sigman florist les fleurs andover french floral designer

From all of this, I have learned so much and truly believe that my mom is watching over me, guiding me each and every day. I hope she has a big smile as she sees me amongst the flowers, happy, fulfilled and grateful.

lesfleurs 27 barnard street downtown andover european flower shop owner sandra sigman floral home garden store

So, on this Mother’s Day, remember to take the time to honor what is stirring in you and follow your dreams. 

Happy Mother’s Day to every mom out there. We are so blessed to have you in our lives.


parisian flower market pink bouquets les fleurs european flower shop owner sandra sigman floral home garden store
french flower shop paris florist pink hydrangeas ferns sandra sigman